2015년 6월23일 Twitter 이야기 본문
She looked fit when I bumped into her on the street. 길에서 우연히 그녀와(그 애랑) 마주쳤는데, 건강해 보이던데.Retweeted byVictormint
What's the holdup? 왜 밀리는 거지?Retweeted byVictormint
Don't you think you'd better go? 가는 것이 좋지 않겠나?
I'm a hot potato. 나는 위험인물이야.Retweeted byVictormint -
Don't flatter me. Dont suck up. 아부하지마.
Did you have fun tonight? 오늘밤 재미있었어요?
You'll have to come and see us soon. 조만간에 오셔서 저희를 또 봐야 해요.Retweeted byVictormint -
Did I do anything wrong? 제가 뭐 잘못했나요?Retweeted byVictormint
What are we doing? (우리 지금 머하는거에요? )
It is out of style. 유행이 아니네요
Just a moment. 잠깐만요Retweeted byVictormint -
I'd like a room with a nice view. 전망이 좋은 방으로 하고 싶습니다.Retweeted byVictormint
I was too ill to go to class. 너무 아파서 수업에 못 갔어.Retweeted byVictormint
A stream runs behind the village office. 읍사무소 뒤에는 냇물이 있다.
How long this iron bridge is! 이 철교는 참으로 길기도 하여라.Retweeted byVictormint -
Won't you stay for dinner? 저녁 드시고 가시지 않으시겠어요?
I can't make heads or tails of it. 뭐가 뭔지 분간이 안간다.
I'm broke today. 나 오늘 파산이야.(돈이 정말 없어.)Retweeted byVictormint -
Goodbye and keep well. 잘 있어요, 몸 건강하게.
Did you have a good time today? 오늘 즐거우셨어요?Retweeted byVictormint -
Let's go Dutch. 각자 내자Retweeted byVictormint
I was tongue-tied. 할 말을 잃었다.
I can never thank you enough. 어떻게 감사드려야할지 모르겠네요.Retweeted byVictormint -
How can I get a hold of you? 당신과 어떻게 연락할 수 있나요?Retweeted byVictormint
After you, please. 당신 먼저 하세요.
That sounds great! 그것 좋은 생각인데요?
Come again. 또 오게!Retweeted byVictormint -
The church stands on a hill. 교회는 동산 위에 있다.
Do you know of any good doctor near here?이 근방에 용한 의사를 알고 계시지 않습니까?Retweeted byVictormint -
When I went to see him, he was eating dinner. 그를 보러 갔을 때 그는 저녁을 먹고 있었어.Retweeted byVictormint
I have trouble getting out of bed early in the morning. 아침에 일찍 일어나는 건 너무 힘들어Retweeted byVictormint
What time is the meeting scheduled? 회의는 몇 시로 예정되어 있나요?Retweeted byVictormint
Don't flatter me. Dont suck up. 아부하지마.
Did you have fun tonight? 오늘밤 재미있었어요?
You'll have to come and see us soon. 조만간에 오셔서 저희를 또 봐야 해요.Retweeted byVictormint -
I'd like to send this package to New York. 이 소포를 뉴욕으로 보내고 싶습니다.Retweeted byVictormint
I'd like to make an appointment. 진료 예약을 하고 싶은데요.Retweeted byVictormint
Get up now or you will be late. 얼른 일어나, 안그럼 늦을 거야Retweeted byVictormint
I have a minor cold. 나 감기 기운이 있어.Retweeted byVictormint
I haven't received your fax yet. 팩스가 아직 안 들어왔는데요.Retweeted byVictormint
Just looking. 그냥 보는 거에요
Let's see. 좀 봅시다
It is muggy 날이 찌뿌둥 하네Retweeted byVictormint -
I read books before I go to bed. 저는 잠자기 전에 책을 읽어요.Retweeted byVictormint
I've got diarrhea. 나 설사를 해.Retweeted byVictormint
When are you planning to go on a trip? 언제 여행을 갈 계획이야?Retweeted byVictormint
How much should the tip be? 팁은 얼마나 줘야 하죠?Retweeted byVictormint
Knock it off. 그만 두세요
How long do you intend to stay in America? 미국에는 얼마나 계실 것입니까?Retweeted byVictormint -
Is the weekend over already? http://t.co/vz36NqZHSZRetweeted byVictormint
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